Personal Banking Business

美 [ˈpɜːrsənl ˈbæŋkɪŋ ˈbɪznəs]英 [ˈpɜːsənl ˈbæŋkɪŋ ˈbɪznəs]
  • 网络个人银行业务
Personal Banking BusinessPersonal Banking Business
  1. And credit card is the comprehensive carrier of the personal banking business .


  2. The personal banking business is in the historical period of the transition from traditional channel to electronic in our country .


  3. Study on Personal Banking Business Development Strategy of Small and Medium Sized Commercial Banks


  4. The third part analyzed the business performance of personal banking business in China Construction Bank Guangdong Branch .


  5. However , due to late start , personal banking business developing level of Chinese commercial banks is still low .


  6. Personal banking business is an emerging business in China . However , it has been developed for centuries in the international market .


  7. Looking through the developing history of those banks , the innovation of the personal banking business has greatly improved their competitive power .


  8. Firstly , it 's closely related to commercial banks ' management strategies , as the banking system lacks for enough drive for personal banking business ;


  9. The fifth part is the development strategy of personal banking business in the Construction Bank Guangdong Branch , which are the macroscopic strategy and the concrete development countermeasure .


  10. Only we find out the roots of these problems and put forward innovation measures in view of this situation , can we expand the development space for personal banking business .


  11. The sixth part is conclusion position , which summarizes the whole text , definitude ulteriorly the development direction of the personal banking business Shenyang branch of CMB .


  12. Especially , the traditional personal banking business such as housing loans and car loan market continues to shrink . The commercial banks transfer their competition core to the credit card business .


  13. Bank outlets operations management will directly be related to commercial bank service efficiency , operations risk prevention , cost structure optimization , and influence the personal banking business value creativity and core competitive power .


  14. According to the WTO agreement , China removed all geographical restrictions and opened individual RMB business to all foreign banks in 2006 , which mean the competition for the personal banking business will be even more intense .


  15. Last decade has witnessed a rapid growth of mortgage loan in China , and the mortgage loan has already become one of the most important personal banking business in and a major source of profit for most Chinese commercial banks .


  16. By using the method of PEST , Five-Force Model , SWOT , The fourth part analyzed the chance and menace of exterior environment , the merit and shortcoming of interior environment of personal banking business in the Construction Bank Guangdong Branch .


  17. Through analyzing the types , current condition , realistic background and its great importance of both foreign and domestic personal banking business , this paper intends to point out that the development of personal banking business is restricted by business products in extent , depth and size levels .


  18. The second part sketches personal electronic banking business and marketing strategy to establish a theoretical foundation for future research .


  19. I hope that this paper can provide a reference for the development of personal Internet Banking business in the joint-stock commercial banks .


  20. The second part introduces the connotation of personal finance banking business , including its type and characteristics ; then is the basis of relevant theories and personal financial services , they have an important guiding significance for the development of personal financial services .


  21. Customer relationship management in all aspects of widely used personal management in the banking business also has a wide range of applications .


  22. Secondly , the customer 's degree of acception 、 the imperfection of the outer social environment and the unsoundness of the personal credit system etc. also seriously hamper the development of commercial banks ' personal banking business .


  23. Study on Credit Card Personal Credit Evaluation Model of Anshan City Branch of China Construction Bank In the second chapter , the definition and the traits of personal banking business are introduced , and the personal bank marketing practice in our country is researched .


  24. Finally , by analyzing the critical success factor of personal Internet Banking in China Merchants Bank , this paper raised the related issues which should be noted in the development of the personal Internet Banking business .


  25. As a new type of consumption , Personal consumption credit play an important role in promoting the growth of Economy , stimulating consumption , improving credit assets structure . It has become a competitive focus in greatly developing personal banking business , expanding personal customers of high quality .
